YBM 생활영어

이전 아주 미치겠어. 다음

오늘도 새로운 표현으로 나의 생활영어 실력을 쑥쑥 키워볼까요?

1오늘의 학습 주제
A: I gave up the smokes, but my throat is still raw.
B: That’s inevitable. In time, your body will heal itself.
A: The hardest part is fighting the urge. 아주 미치겠어.
B: Have faith in yourself. You’ll get through it.
해설강의 : John Valentine(Twitter ID : @JohnValentine2), 홍주희
2오디오 강의 듣고, 정답 확인
3해석 및 해설
A: 담배를 끊었는데도, 목이 칼칼해.
B: 그건 어쩔 수 없어. 시간이 지나면, 몸은 스스로 치유가 돼.
A: 가장 힘든 부분이 피고 싶은걸 참는 거야. It’s maddening.
B: 자신에 대한 믿음을 가져. 넌 이겨낼거야.

[Additional expressions]
*I gave up the smokes
– I quit smoking / I no longer smoke / I don’t smoke any more
*my throat is still raw
– my throat hurts / I’ve got a sore throat / I feel pain in my throat
*That’s inevitable.
– That’s natural. / You can’t avoid that. / That’s the way it goes.
*In time
– Over time / As time passes / As the days go by / Through the passing of time
*your body will heal itself
– your natural healing system will help you recover
*The hardest part is fighting the urge.
– The most difficult thing is not giving in to temptation.
*It’s maddening.
– It makes me crazy. / It drives me nuts. / It’s extremely frustrating.
*Have faith in yourself.
– Have some self-confidence. / Believe that you can do it.
*You’ll get through it.
– You’ll survive this. / You’ll reach that light at the end of the tunnel.
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