YBM 생활영어

이전 내가 밥 사줄게. 다음

오늘도 새로운 표현으로 나의 생활영어 실력을 쑥쑥 키워볼까요?

1오늘의 학습 주제
A: I’m hungry for pasta. Thinking of it makes my mouth water.
B: I’d like some, as well. An Italian restaurant is in order.
A: 내가 낼게. I’d consider it an honor.
B: I’d hate to disappoint you, then. It’s a deal.
해설강의 : John Valentine(Twitter ID : @JohnValentine2), 홍주희
2오디오 강의 듣고, 정답 확인
3해석 및 해설
A: 파스타 먹고 싶다. 생각만해도 군침이 돌아.
B: 나도 좀 먹고 싶네. 이탈리안 레스토랑이 딱이겠는걸?
A: Let me treat you. 영광으로 생각하고.
B: 그렇다면 실망시키면 안되겠지. 그렇게 하기로 해.

[Additional expressions]
*I’m hungry for pasta.
– I’m in the mood to eat some pasta. / I want to have some pasta to eat.
*Thinking of it makes my mouth water.
– It makes me drool just to think about it. / My mouth is watering.
*I’d like some, as well.
– I want to have some, too. / I’d also enjoy having some of that.
*An Italian restaurant is in order.
– We should go to an Italian restaurant. / An Italian restaurant would be good.
*Let me treat you.
– Let me take you to dinner. / Let’s have a meal on me. / I’ll buy you dinner.
*I’d consider it an honor.
– It would be my pleasure. / It would be an honor if you’d let me do that.
*I’d hate to disappoint you, then.
– I don’t want to make you feel bad. / If so, you should have the chance.
*It’s a deal.
– You’re on. / OK. / I agree. / I accept your offer.

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